Call For Papers “Contextualizing Insurance Contracts: Interactions With Various Fields Of Law”

Date and Time Date and Time

2020-05-28 09:00

2020-05-28 09:00

Map Location

Rumelifeneri Kampüsü

Call For Papers “Contextualizing Insurance Contracts: Interactions With Various Fields Of Law”


We are pleased to invite applications for the international symposium “Contextualising Insurance Contracts: Interactions with Various Fields of Law” that will be held on Thursday, 28 May 2020 at Koç University, Rumelifeneri Campus.

Abstracts are invited from Ph.D candidates and scholars who have received their Ph.Ds within the last 10 years at the time of the application deadline. Abstracts of approximately 500-700 words, written in clear English language should be accompanied by a CV and submitted to by Monday, 2 March 2020. For further information please see the call for papers.


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